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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Transfusion Medicine Research: Valery Leytin, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Valery Leytin, Ph.D., D.Sc. PhotoValery Leytin, Ph.D., D.Sc.
IndustryMedical Research
TitleD.Sc./Ph.D./Associate Professor/Staff Scientist
ExpertiseHematology, platelet physiology and biochemistry, molecular and cell biology
Current OrganizationThe Keenan Research Center of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael's Hospital, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine, Division of Transfusion Medicine Research
Type of OrganizationUniversity/Hospital
Major ProductResearch and medical research education
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeM.Sc., Physiology, Biophysics, Moscow State Univ., 1967; Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Inst. of Biological & Medical Chemistry, Moscow, 1975; D.Sc., Cardiology & Biochemistry, Cardiology Research Center, Moscow, 1988
BornMoscow, Russia
Honors & AwardsContinuous peer-reviewed research grants funding, Canada, 1999-present; Israel Giladi Fellowship for senior naturalized scientists, 2nd Award, Israel, 1996-98; Israeli Shapiro Fellowship for naturalized scientists, 1990-92; Bronze Medal for Achievements in Science and Technology, Russia, 1985
Published Works78+ peer-reviewed papers and 113+ abstracts/presentations have been published in international journals including Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, J. Mol. Biol., FEBS Letters, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Communs., Prostagladins, Br. J. Haematol., Am. J. Hematol., Thromb. Res., Transfusion, Transfus. Med., Transfus. Apheresis Sci., Vox Sang., Crit. Care Med., Lab. Invest., Haematologica, J. Thromb. Haemost. and Blood; Three most cited papers are Leytin V., Freedman J., Platelet apoptosis in stored platelet concentrates and other models. Transfus. Apheresis Sci. 28: 285-295, 2003; Leytin V., Allen D., Gwozdz A., Garvey B., Freedman J., Role of platelet surface glycoprotein Ib and P-selectin in the clearance of transfused platelet concentrates. Transfusion 44: 1487-1495, 2004; Leytin V., Allen DJ., Mykhaylov S., Lyubimov E., Freedman J., Thrombin-triggered platelet apoptosis. J. Thromb. Haemostas. 4: 2656-2663, 2006
AffiliationsAmerican Society of Hematology; American Association of Blood Banks; International Society of Thrombosis & Haemostasis
Hobbies & SportsJogging, painting collection
Career AccomplishmentsMost significant contributions have been made in the fields of molecular biology (polyribosomes, mRNA, translational control of protein synthesis) and platelet research (platelet interactions with vascular collagens and other matrix and cell adhesion proteins, flow cytometric analysis of platelet activation, animal models for monitoring human platelet transfusion, platelet apoptosis studies); Current teaching activities include lecturing on platelet physiology, transfusion and apoptosis
Work HistoryScientist, 1967-78 and Senior Scientist, 1978, Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry, Moscow, Russia; Senior Scientist, 1978-88 and Associate Professor, 1988-90, Head of Platelet Research Group, Cardiology Research Center, Moscow, Russia; Research Fellow, Dept. of Hematology, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, 1990-91; Research Fellow, Molecular Biology & Hematology Medical Laboratories, Kfar-Saba, Israel, 1991-96; Senior Research Fellow, Dental Research Laboratory, Dental Faculty, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, 1996-98; Research Associate, 1998-2000 and Staff Scientist, 2000-present, The Keenan Research Center of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; Assistant Professor, 1998-2006 and Associate Professor, 2006-present, Dept. of Laboratory Medicine & Pathbiology and Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine, 2008-present, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
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