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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Natural Resources Law: Timothy W. Gresham, Esq.

Timothy W. Gresham, Esq. PhotoTimothy W. Gresham, Esq.
Current OrganizationPenn, Stuart & Eskridge
Type of OrganizationLaw firm
Major ProductLegal services
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.A., Elementary Education, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY, 1976; J.D., University of Tennessee College of Law, Knoxville, TN, 1979
BornNovember 22, 1953, McKinney, Texas
Honors & AwardsBest Lawyers in America in Environmental Law and Mining Law, 2008
Published WorksVarious including- Federal Notices of Violation in Primary States: Oversight or Overkill, 3 j.Min.L.Pol'y 375, 1988; Picking Up the Litigation Tab: Statutory Attorneys' Fees, 22 Energy & Min.L.Inst. Ch 2, 2002
AffiliationsPresident, EMLF, 2004-05; Virginia State Bar, Board of Governors, Environmental Law Section, 1984-87
Hobbies & SportsReading, racquetball, golf
Area of PracticeNatural Resources, Environmental Law, Occupational Law
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