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Professional of the Year for 2011 in Elementary Education: Teresa J. Hagy

Teresa J. Hagy PhotoTeresa J. Hagy
ExpertiseTeaching 1st grade
Current OrganizationWashington Lee Elementary School
Type of OrganizationPublic schools
Major ProductElementary School education
Area of DistributionBristol, Virginia
University/DegreeB.A., Elementary Education, Virginia Intermont College, 1972; M.E., Education, University of Virginia, 1976
BornNovember 1, 1950, Bristol, Tennessee
Honors & AwardsOutstanding Elementary Teacher of America, 1975; Who's Who of American Women, 1991; Who's Who in American Education, 1992; Southwest Virginia Reading Teacher of the Year, 1994; Life Member, America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals, 2001-present; Madison Who's Who 2006; Honoring Our Own, Delta Kappa Gamma, 1992; Premier Who's Who, 2008-present; Marquis Who's Who, 1991-present; Cambridge Who's Who VIP, 2010; Remington Registry, 2010; Ashford Publishing Outstanding Professional Featured Alumni of the Month, 2011-12; Appeared on Ashford Radio Talk Show, 2011
AffiliationsNational Education Association; Virginia Education Association; Bristol Virginia Education Association; Delta Kappa Gamma; International Reading Association; Virginia Reading Association; Southwest Virginia Reading Council; Member, Church Librarian, Chair of Women's Circle, Member of Church Choir, Song Leader, Chair of Christian's Women's Fellowship and 1st-3rd grades Sunday School Teacher at the Central Christian Church
Hobbies & SportsWalking, reading, singing, playing piano, crossword puzzles, gardening
Career AccomplishmentsHelped develop curriculum tests for school system; Has conducted workshops on teaching techniques; Has lectured on education topics; Went into public school system in 1975, taught 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades; Had 3 years of private school as Clinical Instructor of Education which gave her a confident, successful start to her career; Her mentor was Dr. Richard W. Van Deren (deceased)
Work HistorySt. Anne's Demonstration School, 1972-75; Washington Lee Elementary School, 1975-present
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