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Professional of the Year for 2009 in Oil Exploration: T. Richard McCullough

T. Richard McCullough PhotoT. Richard McCullough
ExpertiseOil exploration
Current OrganizationMcCullough Family Partners, Ltd.
Type of OrganizationDrilling
Major ProductDrilling oil prospects
Area of DistributionNational
University/DegreeB.A., Occidental College; M.A., U.C.L.A.
BornFebruary 18, 1931, California
Honors & AwardsFootball scholarship for Occidental College, voted 2 time All-Conference Halfback; Honorable Mention in the United Press Little All-Coast Team and Honorable Mention SAE Fraternity All-American; Who's Who in American College & Universities; U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corp, 1953-55
Published Works1 book, "Fish Tales, Etc."; 8 poems published by the International Society of Poetry and Noble House
AffiliationsA.A.P.G.; S.T.G.S.
Hobbies & SportsFly-fishing
Career AccomplishmentsDiscovered (with geologist Clem Roberts), the Ozona field Crockett County, West Texas in 1962. The field has produced over 1.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and later discovered other fields (also with Clem Roberts)
Work HistoryExploration Geologist, Pauley Petroleum Inc., Los Angeles, CA, 1957-65; Vice President, Trans American Petroleum Corp., Los Angeles, CA, 1965-66; Senior Geologist, Engineering & Consulting Dept., Core Laboratories Inc., Dallas, TX, 1966-68; Exploration Manager & Vice President, Suburban Propane Gas Corp., San Antonio, TX, 1969-77; Manager of Operations & Partner of Stringer Oil & Gas Co., San Antonio, TX, 1977-87
ChildrenPatrick Thomas, Michelle Susan
SpouseMarilyn D. Schlickenmayer
MarriedJuly 10, 1958
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