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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Publishing: Stephen Rubin

Stephen Rubin PhotoStephen Rubin
TitlePresident & Publisher
Current OrganizationDoubleday Broadway Publishing Group
Type of OrganizationPublishing
Major ProductGeneral interest fiction and non-fiction books
Area of DistributionNational
University/DegreeM.S., Journalism, Boston University, 1966
BornNovember 10, 1941, Bronx, New York
Hobbies & SportsTennis, classical music
Career AccomplishmentsUnder his leadership, Doubleday and Broadway have published prominently and profitably a highly regarded mix of major fiction and nonfiction such as the novels of John Grisham, Dan Brown, Margaret Atwood, Robert Crais, Pat Conroy, Ian McEwan and E. Lynn Harris and contemporary general interest works by Bill Moyers, Bill Bryson, Bill O'Reilly, Frances Mayes and Mitch Albom
Work HistoryFollowing a successful career as a newspaper and magazine journalist and editor at UPI and Vanity Fair, Mr. Rubin started in book publishing in 1984 as an Executive Editor at Bantam Books, rising to Bantam's Publisher of Adult Trade. In 1990 he became President & Publisher of Doubleday. In 1995, Mr. Rubin was based in London as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bantam Doubleday Dell International. He returned to the United States in 1998 as President and Publisher of Doubleday with WaterBrook Press reporting to him. In 1999, he became President and Publisher of the Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.
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