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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Civil Engineering: Somnath Bhattacharyya

Somnath Bhattacharyya PhotoSomnath Bhattacharyya
TitleCivil Engineer
Current OrganizationU.S. Army Corps. of Engineers
Type of OrganizationFederal government
Major ProductHighways, bridge construction, military construction
Area of DistributionMissouri
University/DegreeB.S., Civil Engineering, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, 1998; M.S., Quality Management, Webster University, 2006
BornMay 3, 1967, Silver Spring, Maryland
Honors & AwardsEagle Award, Boy Scouts, 1984; Red Cross Life Saver Award, 1989; St. Louis Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers Zone III Daniel W. Mead Award for Young Engineers
Published WorksNewsletter articles for Metropolis St. Louis, articles about wine club events and events held for young Indian professionals sponsored through Metropolis St. Louis
AffiliationsProgram Committee, American Society of Civil Engineers; Engineers Club St. Louis; St. Louis International Film Festival
Hobbies & SportsReading, writing, physical fitness, travel, international films
Career AccomplishmentsAs a Program Committee Member for American Society of Civil Engineers, he is involved in arranging guest speakers and arranging socials; Through his involvement with the St. Louis International Film Festival, he was able to get Steve Trampe, the owner of Owen Development, to speak at a film festival luncheon showing his documentary, "American Tower"; He also organizes "Celebrate the City" and volunteers for "The Lot"
Work HistoryVice President of Public Relations for Winchester Toastmasters; Treasurer, Blue Ridge Post of Society of American Military Engineers; Involved in 24 hour theatre at Winchester Little Theatre; Organized events for Asian Pacific Month
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