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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Cardiology Higher Education: Shalabh Chandra, M.D., MPH

Member PhotoShalabh Chandra, M.D., MPH
TitleM.D., MPH, Chief Cardiology Fellow
Current OrganizationMichigan State University
Type of OrganizationUniversity hospital
Major ProductPatient care, medical education, research
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeMBBS, Seth GS Medical College, University of Mumbai, 2003; MPH, Disease Control, University of Texas Health Science Center, 2005
BornOctober 17, 1979
Honors & AwardsAlpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, 2008; America's Top Cardiologist, Consumer Research Council of America, 2010
Published WorksPoster and oral presentations, publications including-Chandra S, Lenihan DJ, Wei W, Yusuf SW, Tong AT, Myocardial perfusion imaging and cardiovascular outcomes in a cancer population, Texas Heart Inst, J 2009; 36 (3): 205-13 and Significance of stress myocardial perfusion scans in predicting cardiovascular events and mortality in cancer patients, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings Part I Vol 25 No 18S, June 20 Supplement, 2007: 17009
AffiliationsACC; ACP
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