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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Administration/Law: Santosh Kulshrestha Kumar, Esq.

Santosh Kulshrestha Kumar, Esq. PhotoSantosh Kulshrestha Kumar, Esq.
IndustryCommunity services
TitleFounding Executive Director
ExpertiseAdministration and law
Current OrganizationMetropolitan Asian Family Services
Type of OrganizationNonprofit
Major ProductEducation, elderly services and counseling
Area of DistributionIllinois
University/DegreeB.S., Biology, Jodhpur Rajasthan University, 1969; LL.B., with Honors, 1972; LL.M., 1974, AMU, India; A.S., Design & Desktop Publishing, Roosevelt University, Chicago, 1989
BornFebruary 2, 1949, Rajasthan, India
Honors & AwardsNumerous including- America's Registry of Outstanding Professionals; 2005 International Peace Prize, United Cultural Convention; Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding services as an ACTION volunteer with VISTA; Pillar of Service and Excellence in Community Service awards, State of Illinois and State of New York; Several awards from National Registry of Who's Who including Woman of the Year in recognition of her strength and leadership in keeping peace and harmony in various religious groups of difference countries
AffiliationsIllinois State Bar Association; Board Member/Vice President, C.L.E.S.E.; President, D.S.S.C.
Hobbies & SportsReading, painting, community service
Career AccomplishmentsUnder her guidance, MAF has traveled a long path and earned great repute and excellence; Awarded the 1994 AARP award for health screening and education services; 1997 Community Service Award for services to the elderly from the City of Chicago; Community award presented by the State of Illinois for eldercare services in 1999, a 2000 Certificate of Recognition by the US Dept. of Commerce
ChildrenPrashant, Sagar
SpousePramod Kumar
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