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Professional of the Year for 2009 in Strategic Planning and Consulting: Ron Tabachnick

Ron Tabachnick PhotoRon Tabachnick
TitleSenior Strategic Facilitator
Expertise10 years facilitating development of tactical plans to launch new venture, raise capital, business development plans, team building plans, problem solving plans, plans to assist interim CEO's leverage their expertise, plans to implement mergers and acquisitions and personal tactical plans; 40 years in the entrepreneurial world across numerous industries
Current OrganizationRT Planning Strategies
Type of OrganizationTactical Planning Facilitation
Major ProductDevelopment of Tactical Plans in face-to-face meetings and internet planning meetings
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeB.Sc., Biology, Hillsdale College, MI; Master credits, Biology at The American University, Washington DC; Master credits, Marketing, George Washington University, Washington, DC
Honors & AwardsHonorary Member, Golden Key International
Published WorksAuthor, "A Breakthrough in Strategic Planning", 2008, ISBN 978-0-9811743-0-3; Keynote Speaker, Tactical Planning in the 21st Century
AffiliationsInstitute of Corporate Directors; Creative Problem Solving Institute; Strategic Leadership Forum
Hobbies & SportsReading in areas of marketing, communications and personal development; Golf, dancing, chess, billiards, backgammon
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