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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Government: Richard P. Homrighausen

Member PhotoRichard P. Homrighausen
ExpertiseMunicipal Electric
Current OrganizationCity of Dover
Type of OrganizationMunicipal government
Major ProductPublic services
Area of DistributionDover, Ohio
University/DegreeA.A., Business, Suomi Junior College; B.A., Business Administration & Economics, English, Northland College; Mortuary Science, Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science
BornCanton, Ohio
AffiliationsNumerous including-Ohio Mayors Association; Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association; Board Member, Tuscarawas County Chamber of Commerce; American Public Power Association; President, Ohio Municipal Electric Association; Grace Evangelical Luther Church; District 16, Ohio Funeral Director Association; Ohio Embalmers Association; Life Member, Dover Jaycees; Ohio Jaycees (and 56th President 1984-85); U.S. Jaycees; Life Member, U.S. Jaycees International Senator; Synod Council 1987-97, Vice President, 1989-97, Lay Homilist, 1990-present, Northeastern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lay Delegate1999 to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America National Assembly; Tuscarawas County Republican Party Executive Committee, 1990-present (Vice Chair, 1998-2003); President, Ohio Municipal Electric Association, 1999-present
Hobbies & SportsGolf, cabinetry
Career AccomplishmentsTestimony before the U.S. Senate Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee regarding the Reauthorization of the 1990 Clean Air Act; Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Resources regarding the Kyoto Treaty enacted by Congress; Testimony before the U.S. Senate, Environmental and Public Works Committee regarding global warming and the effects on small public power communities as well as the economic impact of proposed EPA pollution legislation
Work HistoryReed Funeral Home, Inc., Canton OH, 1966-77; Owner, Homrighausen Funeral Home, Dover OH, 1978-2005; Owner, R.W. Hoge Wood Products & Awards Co., Dover OH, 1981-present; Canal Dover Novelty Co., Dover OH, 1983-2003; Vorhaus Trading Co. Ltd., Dover OH, 1986-1992; Owner, Ozzie B. Golf Co., Dover OH, 1995-present; Ward I City Councilman, City of Dover, 1990-91; Mayor, City of Dover, 1992-present (longest serving mayor in history of Dover)
ChildrenNicholas Anthony, Peter Thomas
SpouseLinda Louise Marino
MarriedMay 3, 1980
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