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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Education Foundation Administration: Reginald E. Barr, Ed.D.

Reginald E. Barr, Ed.D. PhotoReginald E. Barr, Ed.D.
TitleChief Executive Officer
ExpertiseManagement, marketing, administration, law, property utilization, education
Current OrganizationAmerischools
Type of OrganizationSystem of affiliated charter public/private schools
Major ProductEducation, resources including tutorial, employment agents, property management
Area of DistributionArizona +
University/DegreeB.S., History, Arizona State University, 1957; M.A., Secondary Education, 1962; Ph.D., Education, 1972, University of Arizona, 1972
BornDecember 12, 1931, Brazil, Indiana
Published Works12 articles
AffiliationsA.S.C.D.; Phi Delta Kappa; N.E.A.
Hobbies & SportsGolf
Career AccomplishmentsCo-Founder, University High School, Tucson, Arizona; Hawaii EdVenture, a Mid-Pacific High School; AmeriSchools Academy, a System of Affiliated Charter Schools
Work HistoryTucson Unified School District, AZ, 1961-92; Charter Foundation, Inc., 1992-present
ChildrenDeborah E. LeBlanc
SpouseSandra E. Barr (Barney)
MarriedAugust 4, 1956
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