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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Geoscience: Pedro A. Romero Rojas

Pedro A. Romero Rojas PhotoPedro A. Romero Rojas
IndustryOil & Gas Upstream
TitleGlobal Geoscience Advisor
ExpertiseR&D in Petrophysics, Formation Evaluation and Electrical Measuring Techniques, Knowledge Discovery (KDD), Well Logging, Education; Fluent in Spanish, German, English, Portuguese
Current OrganizationBaker Hughes Inc.
Type of OrganizationOilfield Service Company
Major ProductOil and gas exploration, development and production
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeDoctor in Electrical Engineering, University of Siegen, Germany, 1994
BornAugust 4, 1959, Lagunillas, Zulia State, Venezuela
AffiliationsSPE; SPWLA; SCA; Free Evangelical Church of Germany
Hobbies & SportsTennis, chess, baseball, biking, reading
Work History15 yrs. in the Oil industry in Formation Evaluation/Petrophysics R&D: Development of NMR relation Formation Evaluation well log products and methodologies for fluid and rock typing; Statistics and Date Mining for log analysis and data integration; Quality control of well logs; Laboratory Low Field NMR for rock quality determination, fluid typing and core-log correlations; Special (SCAL) and conventional core analysis; 7 yrs. in Material Sciences: Development of analog and digital electronics devices for assessing dielectric properties of high voltage insulating materials; 1 yr. in Nuclear Physics: Heavy ions fragmentation processes in plastic detectors; 2 yrs. in Optics & Electronics & Automation: Optical Interferometry, Analog and Digital Hardware; 9 yrs. in Academia: Scientific Advisor- 38 both B.Sc. and M.Sc. thesis' in Germany, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina
ChildrenBeatriz Andrea, Pedro Rafael
MarriedSeptember 23, 2000
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