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Professional of the Year for 2009 in International Public Health Services: Pauline W. Muhuhu

Pauline W. Muhuhu PhotoPauline W. Muhuhu
TitleTechnical Advisor
ExpertiseHuman Resource Development for Reproductive Health Service Delivery
Current OrganizationESD Project
Type of OrganizationNonprofit
Major ProductServing the public health needs of developing countries; Collaborating with leaders and communities to develop the most effective health care solution for a particular environment
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeM.A., University of Boston
Honors & AwardsIntraHealth International and University of North Carolina, Outstanding Career Achievement Award, 2003; USAID-Outstanding Achievement Award in recognition of commitment to improvement of men, women and children's lives, 2003; IntraHealth International-Pauline Muhuhu Leadership Annual Award, 2010
Published WorksMuhuhu, Lessons Learned in Programming and Implementing Religious Leaders Program: A case for Dadaab Refugee camp; Muhuhu, P, et al, The Right Provider for the Right Place: Private Nurse-Midwives Offering Primary Level Post Abortion Care in Kenya, PRIME II Dispatch #4, Oct. 2002; Muhuhu P, Knaff L, The Role of National Family Planning Service Standards: Africa Health, Mar. 1992; Select Presentations at International Conferences- Muhuhu P, ESD Lessons Learned in Scaling Up Best practices, ECSA Regional Best Practices Conferences, Sept. 2009; Muhuhu P, Performance Improvement in Nursing Education, Leadership and Practice, Nursing Odyssey International Conference, Univ. of Free State, South Africa, July 2004; Muhuhu P, Hannum W, Ensuring the Effectiveness of Training by Using a Performance Improvement Approach, Africa Training Best Practices Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, Aug. 2003; Muhuhu P., Hannum W, Hicks S, Creating and Using Interactive Simulations for Training, Africa Training Best Practices Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, Aug. 2003; Muhuhu P, Looking Back, Thinking Ahead: Shaping Today's Best practices with 20 years of Lessons Learned, Africa Training Practices Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, Aug. 2003
AffiliationsICN; American Public Health Association
Hobbies & SportsGolf, reading
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