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Professional of the Year for 2012 in Patent Law: Norman L. Sims

Norman L. Sims PhotoNorman L. Sims
ExpertiseDevelopment and execution of Intellectual Property Strategies, preparation of technology related agreements, advising business units and leaders on how to maximize profits through the use of intellectual property, management of intellectual property aspects of acquisitions, divestures and joint ventures, international and U.S. patent preparation and prosecution of Complex Chemical applications and mechanical applications, trade secret protection; Lectured on Intellectual Property Agreements, Intellectual Property Strategy, Business Use of Intellectual Property for Profit, Patent Law topics
Current OrganizationThe Dobrusin Law Firm
Type of OrganizationLaw firm
Major ProductLegal services
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.A., magna cum laude, Chemistry, Pre Law, Albion College, 1978; J.D., magna cum laude, University of Detroit School of Law , 1981
BornAugust 26, 1956, Trenton, Michigan
Honors & AwardsSix Sigma Greenbelt; Leading Lawyer 100, Lawyers Monthly, 2011; Phi Beta Kappa, Albion College; Thomas Moore Honor Society, University of Detroit; Federal Bar Association Scholarship, University of Detroit; AmJur Award for Conflicts Laws, 1981
Published WorksAIA's Impact on Trade Secret Analysis, Lawyers Monthly, 2012; Intellectual Property Strategies and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Financier Worldwide Global Reference Guide Intellectual Property, 2011
AffiliationsDirector, Stephen Ministry Woodside Bible Church; State Bar of Michigan; U.S. Patent Office; State Bar of Michigan, Intellectual Property Section; Original Equipment Suppliers Association Intellectual Property Committee; Past President, Romulus Michigan Jaycees and Midland Michigan Jaycees; Scout Leader, Boy Scouts of America; Coach, Little League
Hobbies & SportsTravel, reading, walking
Work HistoryPatent Counsel, Dow Chemical, 1981-2009; Western Regional Patent Counsel, Walnut Creek CA, 1985-89; German Regional Patent Counsel, 1989-93; Essex Patent Counsel, 1993-99; Midland Michigan, Intellectual Capital Manager, 1995-99 Adhesives Sealants and Coatings Business; Senior Patent Counsel Dow Automotive, 1999-2009 Auburn Hills Michigan; Shareholder, Dobrusion and Thennisch, Pontiac Michigan, 2009-present
ChildrenKathleen, Brandon, Kevin
SpouseDenise Joann Hunter
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