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Professional of the Year for 2011 in Wind Turbines Consulting: Norbert Mueller

Norbert Mueller PhotoNorbert Mueller
ExpertiseEnvironmental Services/Wind Energy/Pressure Equipment/ Welding/ Explosion Protection; Lecture topics: Metallic Materials, Welder Certification, Pressure Equipment, Explosion Prevention and Protection
Current OrganizationTecs, Inc.
Type of OrganizationConsulting firm
Major ProductConsulting services
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeDiplom Engineer (Dipl.Ing.), F.H. Hannover, Germany
BornFebruary 22, 1948, Wathlingen, Niedersachsen
Hobbies & SportsMusik (playing various instruments), winemaking
Career AccomplishmentsConstruction of Nuclear Power Plants (Germany and Argentina), Aethylamin Plants (Germany). Railroad Cars, Trains, and Equipment (USA and Germany), NATO Marine Mine Sweepers (Europe)
Work HistoryMechanical-Welding Engineering and Auditing in the nuclear, steam and pressure, railroad, military, oil and gas, wind industries since 1964
ChildrenManuela, Kristian, Meike, Jianwei
SpouseJu Huang
MarriedDecember 2, 2004
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