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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Mineralogy: Neil A. Wintringham

Neil A. Wintringham PhotoNeil A. Wintringham
TitleMineralogist/Earth Science Education Consultant
ExpertiseMineralogy, pegmatites, education; consultant, editor, author
Current OrganizationNew Dawn Minerals & Exploration
Type of OrganizationConsulting/exploration
Major ProductEconomic mineralogy, earth science education
Area of DistributionNortheastern U.S.
University/DegreeA.B., Chemistry, 1945; M.S., Geology, 1947, Cornell University, New York
BornMay 1922, Glen Ridge, New Jersey
Honors & AwardsNumerous including, Distinguished Service, New Jersey Earth Science Education, NJSTA Presidential Award, 1993; Outstanding Earth Science Teacher, NAGT, 1986; Elected Honored Member of Leidy Microscopical Society, 2004-05
Published WorksAuthor/editor of several books and many technical papers including, Handbook for a Week With Maine Minerals, 3 editions; Mineralogy of the Franklin Limestone, 1961, 1989; New Jersey Oriented Earth Science: A Selected Bibliography, 1991; Maine Checklists and Guidebooks-The Collector's Literature: A Review and Personal Evaluation, 1992, 1993, 2000; Frequent presenter of papers and workshops at New Jersey Science Convention; Frequent lecturer at various mineral clubs and adult groups
AffiliationsNumerous including, American Chemical Society-Emeritus; Friends of Mineralogy, Director Penn. Chapter; Friends of the Rutgers Museum; Geological Association of New Jersey; Mineralogical Society of America; National Association of Geoscience Teachers; Legion of Honor Member, Society of Mining Engineers
Hobbies & SportsMicromineralogy
Career AccomplishmentsEarth Science Education awards; association with Maine Geological Survey
Work History20 years in chemical industry as research and development chemist, technical staff assistant, supervisor of information services and technical editor of paper; 23 years teaching high school biology, general science, earth science, chemistry, physics and geology; 2 years Adjunct Professor, Earth Science Education, Kean University and Rutgers University
ChildrenNina Dougherty, Karen Bice, Drew, Jill Kennedy; Grandchildren: Andrew, Christopher, Jonathan, Rebecca Dougherty, Alexander
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