Strathmore's Who's Who Business Networking

Professional of the Year for 2013 in Electric Components: Michelle Robbins, RCDD

Michelle Robbins, RCDD PhotoMichelle Robbins, RCDD
IndustryElectric components
TitleCommunications Sales Engineer
ExpertiseBusiness development, solution selling, sales engineering support, presentations, training, specification writing and drawings in the areas of: project management, systems engineering, fiber optic and copper infrastructure cable design, outside plant cabling design (underground and aerial), data center design, RF design, IP systems engineering, sound powered equipment, pole line hardware, construction inspections
Current OrganizationGraybar Electric
Type of OrganizationDistributing
Major ProductEngineering and distribution of high quality components, equipment and materials for the electrical and telecommunications industries
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeIndustrial Electronic Technology, Registered Communications Distribution Designer
AffiliationsBICSI, Cabling Installation and Maintenance, Professional Women in Telecom, RF Design & Engineering, Data Centers Design Group
Hobbies & SportsBoating, movies, painting
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