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Professional of the Year for 2011 in Neurological Surgery: Michael B. Shannon, MD, FACS, FAAN

Michael B. Shannon, MD, FACS, FAAN PhotoMichael B. Shannon, MD, FACS, FAAN
Current OrganizationMichael B. Shannon, MD
Type of OrganizationSolo Practice Neurosurgery
Major ProductPatient care
Area of DistributionNational
University/DegreeB.S., Zoology, Ohio University, 1971; M.D., Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, 1974
BornJune 11, 1949, Cincinnati, Ohio
Honors & AwardsFellow, American College of Surgeons; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Alpha Omega Alpha; One of Ohio's Favorite Physicians, Patients' Choice Award, 2008, 2009
Published WorksNumerous including: Butler, A.R., Horii, Kricheff II, Shannon, M.D., Budzulovich: Computed Tomography in ostracytomas. A statistical analysis of the parameters of malignancy and the positive contrast enhanced CT. Radiology 129 (2), 433-9, November, 1978; Shannon, M.B., Dunn, J., Ransohoff, J., Management of acute head injuries with netrizamide Ventriculography. In press. Surgical Neurology; Nikosia, Jl, Shannon, M.B., Severe brachycardia and asystole in cervical spinal cord injuries. In press. Cardiology; Shannon, M.B., Ransohoff, J. Neurological Injury - Spinal Cord., Principles and Practices of trauma Care P62-85, 1982
AffiliationsMichigan State Medical Society; Oakland County Medical Society; Michigan Association of Neurological Surgeons; American Association of Neurological Surgeons; International College of Surgeons; American Medical Association: American College of Medical Quality; Ohio State Medical Association
Hobbies & SportsTravel, tennis, family
Work HistoryClinical Instructor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, NYU - Bellevue Hospital, NY, Dec. 1979-July 2008, VP Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical College of Ohio Chapter, 1973-74; Medical Director, Muskingum County, 1989-2001; Chair, Dept. of Surgery, Genesis, 1999-present; Member, Ohio State Trauma Committee of EMS Board, 1992 to present; VP, Ohio State Neurological Society, 2006-08; President, Ohio State Neurological Society, 2008-present; Ex Officio Member, Founding Board of Loveland Schools, 2000; Ex Officio Member, Loveland School Foundation; President, Good Samaritan Hospital, January 1994- December 1994; Chair, Dept. of Surgical Services, Genesis Healthcare System, January 1999-July 2008
ChildrenMelissa Lynn, Katie Elizabeth, Craig Michael, 4 grandchildren, Nikki, Ashley, Olivia, Owen
SpouseLinda Marie Shannon, R.N.
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