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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Theological Training and Education: Lloyd G. Rupp, D.Min., Ph.D.

Lloyd G. Rupp, D.Min., Ph.D. PhotoLloyd G. Rupp, D.Min., Ph.D.
ExpertiseCriminal Justice
Current OrganizationL. G. Rupp & Assoc.
Type of OrganizationChurch/Parish
Major ProductTheological training and education
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeBS, Pol. Sci., Fresno State, 1958; MS, Theology, Church Divinity School of the Pacific, 1968; M.S., Police Science, Columbia Pacific Univ., 1982; D.Min., Center for Pastoral Studies, SF Theological School, 1985; Ph.D., Columbia Pacific Univ., 1986
BornFebruary 27, 1935, Seattle, Washington
Honors & AwardsCertificate of Excellence, Veterans Pi Alpha CCSN, 2002; Association of Corrections & Information Management President's Award; Dept. of Justice Certificate of Appreciation, 1998; Key to the City of Henderson, NV, 2005; Meritorious Service Medal; Navy Commendation Medal with Valor; Combat Action Ribbon; RVN Meritorious Unit Citation Cross of Gallantry/Palm); Korean Presidential Unit Citation; Civic Action Medal; RVN Presidential Unit Citation; Navy-Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia; numerous other citations and awards
AffiliationsAmerican Correctional Association; Order of Holy Cross Priests Association; North American Wardens' and Superintendents' Association; American Correctional Research and Management Association
Hobbies & SportsWeightlifting, physical activities
Career Accomplishments100% mandatory and non-mandatory standards, ACA accreditation; budget oversight over $136 Million; Developed major security upgrades for Consent Decree and legislative initiation for Offender Fee System; Increased use of alternative to incarceration; Developed Intermediate Sanctions and Offender Furloughs to reduce crowding; Developed major correctional initiative to increase professional development of Correctional and Probation Officers; Initiated a "Zero-Based Budget" with cost benefit analysis and submitted a "true budget" without recourse to Supplemental Appropriation; Initiated re-establishment of Training Academy for Correctional Officers; Submitted a 3 year Management Information Development Program; Developed culturally relevant programs for native peoples; Initiated women's issues programs and a "Women in Corrections" platform; Estate Project CORE to reduce DWI population at risk in the community and Project HOPE to meet at-risk youth alcohol driven criminality; Chaired Governor's Mini-Cabinet, Member of Sentencing Commission and Criminal Justice Working Group; Established Female Correction and Sex Offender Units; Performed various site visits in approximately 40 state and the Virgin Island for the U.S. Dept. of Justice under the heading of Invited Reviews; Established Pastoral Care & Mental Hygiene Departments in the USMC Correctional Facility; Established U.S. Navy's first Sex Offender Unit; Established U.S.M.C. "Back to Life" program in Camp Lejuene, NC
Work HistoryPart-time Instructor, Univ. of Las Vegas Criminal Justice Dept.; President, Human Resources Services Association; International Presenter in various countries (Corrections); Commissioner of Corrections, Alaska; Director of Corrections, U.S. Naval Correctional Facility, Charleston, SC; Technical Assistance Manager, Corrections Research Institute, Kansas City, MO; U.S. Navy Chaplains Corps, Chaplain (Retired, 1986); served various places as an Episcopal Priest in the Diocese of Northern California
ChildrenC. Gary, Catherine Irene
SpouseVirginia Lee Turner
MarriedOctober 31, 1954
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