Strathmore's Who's Who Business Networking

Professional of the Year for 2011 in International Packaging and Shipping: Lee M. Schiller

Lee M. Schiller PhotoLee M. Schiller
TitlePresident, Owner
ExpertiseDesign of military and commercial protection packing
Current OrganizationG/B International Packing Services
Type of OrganizationIndustrial/Commercial Packaging/Packing company
Major ProductMilitary and export packing; Prime contractor to U.S. Navy, Mech Pa. Mfg Mil. Spec. packing kits, boxes and crates
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.S., Marketing, Advertising, New York Univ.; Univ. of Denver College of Law, Contract Law; Univ. of San Francisco, Competing for Government Contracts
BornJanuary 12, 1928, New York, New York
Honors & AwardsGovernor's Award for Export Excellence, 1999 and 2001; International Business of the Year, Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, 2008; Harrisburg's Best Packing Service, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
AffiliationsInternational Director, Administrative Management Society; Director, World Surgical Foundation; President, Dept. 56 Collectors of Central Pennsylvania; Treasurer/Assistant Director, Capitol Opera; Commander, Chapter 4 D.A.V.; Commander, District 4, D.A.V.; Board Member, Jewish Family Service; Past President, Navy League Harrisburg Council U.S. Harrisburg Community College Business Advisory Board; HACC Advanced Curriculum Study Committee; Harrisburg Symphony Society; President, 2010-11 AMON; Board of Harrisburg Symphony
Hobbies & SportsPenn State College football, gardening, model building, railroad displays, musical theatre, acting
Work HistoryExport Pac, 1954; New Div. Direct Deliver to run NCAD, 1970; Formed GBIPS, 1995
ChildrenDavid and Ed Kaufman, Robin, Sue and Mike Schiller
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