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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Education: Laurence F. Aucella, Ed.D.

Laurence F. Aucella, Ed.D. PhotoLaurence F. Aucella, Ed.D.
IndustryEducation, research
TitleSchool Counselor
ExpertiseCounseling, research
Current OrganizationCrosby High School
Type of OrganizationHigh School
Major ProductEducation, research
Area of DistributionWaterbury, Connecticut
University/DegreeB.A., Cum Laude, Behavioral Science, Edu., Anna Maria College, 1982; M.Ed., Dev. & Edu. Psych, Boston College, 1984; CAGS, 6th Yr. Counseling, 1992; Ed.D., 1997, U. of Bridgeport; M.S., Research & Measurement, Southern CT State U., 1996
BornJuly 24, 1959, Waterbury, Connecticut
Published Works"Cerebral Dominance, English as a Second Language, Methodologies, Theory, Learning and Acquisition for the Adult ESL Student", 1997, Description: xi, 247 p.: tables, figures; 23cm, Note: Includes bibliographical references p. 239-247, Subject: Cerebral dominance, OCLC # ocm39113526; current work in progress -"Principles of Cerebral Lateralization"
AffiliationsA.P.A.; A.C.A.; President of La Casa Bienvenida in Waterbury, CT; Adjunct Faculty (teaches Research Methods), Post University; School Counselor in E.S.L. Program, Waterbury Adult Education, Waterbury, CT; Knights of Columbus #24
Hobbies & SportsReading, book collecting
Career AccomplishmentsPhilosophy of Education and Guidance: American Education was founded on the belief that each student has God-given intrinsic worth and rights. Moreover, it is incumbent on educators to know themselves and their students as unique and special persons capable of positive growth. By and large, students proceed through life with various experience and changing developmental features. In essence, these students progress through stages via an interaction with their respective environments which results in either enhancing or suppressing sets of various strengths and weaknesses in different domains and ways. Certainly, the evolution of American Schools must include working "hand in hand" with a myriad of social services in order to meet all of the student's diverse needs. This includes intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects. Therefore, schools must be preventive, developmental, remedial, creative, positive, and successful. This may occur in a milieu by which educators continually seek to meet the various needs of all students via a planned, structured, sequential, and flexible instructional program consisting of individual, group, and classroom activities. However, this is best achieved with "boundless compassion" by educators who facilitate the educational process by drawing from their Source within in order to provide the proper guidance for students. Therefore, it is imperative for educators to recognize that individual students react as a whole being to stimuli since there exists a myriad of variables both known and unknown making each student unique with the potential to become whole to the greatest and fullest extent.
Work HistoryStudent Teacher in a resource room at Chandler Street School, Worcester, MA, 1981; While attending Boston College, he interned at Boston Children's Hospital (Developmental Evaluation Clinic), the Boston Veterans Administration Hospital (Aphasia Unit) and the Hale Reservation (summer camp for children); After graduation in 1984, he returned home to Connecticut and received a position as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor for the Morris Foundation; After remaining there for 14 months, he became a School Counselor for Waterbury Adult Education in Jan. 1986, a position he still holds albeit on a part-time evening basis; In Jan. 2001, he was hired as an Elementary School Counselor at Rotella Magnet School in Waterbury; At the present time he works as a School Counselor at Crosby High School during day hours and at adult education in the evening
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