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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Pardons, Paroles and Commutations Law: Kenny R. Goza

Kenny R. Goza PhotoKenny R. Goza
ExpertisePardons, Paroles and Commutations Law
Current OrganizationGoza, Washington & Coleman, PLLC
Type of OrganizationLaw firm
Major ProductLegal services
Area of DistributionNational
University/DegreeB.A., History, B.A., International Relations; M.A., International Relations, University of Oklahoma; J.D., Oklahoma City University
BornApril 30, 1969, Elgin, Illinois
Honors & AwardsU.S. Army
AffiliationsAmerican Bar Association; Oklahoma Bar Association; Phi Delta Phi; National Exchange Club
Hobbies & SportsWeightlifting, travel
Work HistoryAdvisor and Administrator, Pardons, Paroles & Extraditions, Governor Frank Keating's Administration
Area of PracticeCriminal Law; Public speaking on domestic violence issues, child custody; was instrumental in implementing the Amber Alert in Oklahoma
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