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Professional of the Year for 2009 in Patent Litigation: Joseph V. Colaianni

Joseph V. Colaianni PhotoJoseph V. Colaianni
Current OrganizationPatton & Boggs LLP
Type of OrganizationLaw firm
Major ProductLegal services
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.S.E.E., University of Detroit, 1956; J.D., with Honors, George Washington University, 1961
BornMarch 9, 1933, Detroit, Michigan
Honors & AwardsWho's Who in the East; Who's Who in American Law
AffiliationsDistrict of Columbia Bar Association; U.S. Patent and Trademark Association; Adjunct Professor, Catholic University of America; New York State Bar Association; American Bar Association; Federal Bar Association
Hobbies & SportsSwimming, chess
Area of PracticeIntellectual property, patent litigation, prosecution
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