Strathmore's Who's Who Business Networking

Professional of the Year for 2010 in Worldwide Business Development: John Geaney

John Geaney PhotoJohn Geaney
IndustryInformation Technology
TitleCommunications Enabled Solutions Portfolio Lead, HP Global Consulting
ExpertiseWorldwide Business Development which encompasses-Identifying new markets focusing on Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Unified Communications; Building solutions to address identified markets across Healthcare, Education, Financial Services and Oil & Gas industry sectors; Building multi-partner ecosystems; Setting up required supply chains; Negotiating international agreements; Creating and executing business plans; Consulting with clients; Creating content for and delivering international sales training programs
Current OrganizationHewlett Packard
Type of OrganizationManufacturing, Development
Major ProductComputers
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeCity & Guilds, Aeronautical Engineering, Dublin Inst. of Tech., Ireland; Post Graduate, Electromagnetics & Electronics; Certificate of General Management, Open Univ., UK; Business Analysis Studies, IMD, Switzerland and INSEAD, France
AffiliationsIMD Institute of Management, Switzerland
Hobbies & SportsRestoring vintage radios, playing and listening to music, the study of cultural impacts on international business communications
Career AccomplishmentsDeployed successful client projects in most major geographies-Western, Central and East Europe, Middle East, Canada, US and Latin America, Australia, Japan, China, India; Built multiple international partner ecosystems and related supply chains; Concluded multiple international agreements and contracts
Work HistoryBurroughs Machines, 1975-79; Datapoint, 1979-86; Digital Equipment, 1986-98; Compaq Computer Corp., 1998-2002; Hewlett Packard Company, 2002-present
ChildrenKeith, Luke
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