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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Higher Education: Jerry P. Jasinski

Jerry P. Jasinski PhotoJerry P. Jasinski
ExpertiseCrystallography & Physical Chemistry
Current OrganizationKeene State College
Type of OrganizationCollege
Major ProductHigher Education
Area of DistributionNational
University/DegreeB.A., M.S.T., University of New Hampshire; M.N.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., University of Wyoming
BornJuly 28, 1940, Newport, New Hampshire
Honors & Awards1st Keene State College Award for Distinction in Scholarship & Research, 2001; Numerous research grants; Fellowship, University of Copenhagen, 1973; AWU Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Los Alamos Scientific Lab, New Mexico, 1973-74; Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Virginia, 1974-75; Sigma Heroes Award, State of Vermont, 1995; NESACS (Nominating Committee, 2000-01, 2007-08, Norris Award Committee, 2009-12; Alternate Councilor, 2007-11; Who's Who in America, 2010-11; Who's Who in the World, 2010-11; Presidential Who's Who, Chemist of the Year, 2010-11; Emerald Who's Who, Premiere Member, 2010-11; Cambridge Who's Who, 2010-11; Madison Who's Who, 2010-11; U.S. Marine Corps
Published WorksCo-Editor, Acta Crystallographic Section E (since 2009); 250+ peer-reviewed scientific papers; Oral and poster papers at local, regional and national meeting (50+ since 1980)
AffiliationsPresident, American Institute of Chemists (2009-present); Treasurer, New England Institute of Chemists (1988-present); American Chemical Society; American Crystallographic Association; Served as Founder and Director of Vermont State Decathlon & Heptathlon Championships (since 1974); Served as Assistant Coach of Track & Field at Keene State College (1999-2009); Served as collegiate and high school referee of football, basketball and track & field (1975-2010
Hobbies & SportsTrack & Field, football, college basketball
ChildrenJana, John, Jennifer, 3 grandchildren
MarriedAugust 20, 1966
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