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Professional of the Year for 2011 in Music Education: Jeffrey S. Cutter

Member PhotoJeffrey S. Cutter
TitleEducation; Director of Bands
ExpertiseMusic, Instrumental Music
Current OrganizationWarren Consolidated Schools
Type of OrganizationSchool district
Major ProductEducation
Area of DistributionWarren, Michigan
University/DegreeM.E., Educational Administration, Wayne State University
BornRoyal Oak, Michigan
Honors & AwardsNumerous including-Teacher of the Year nominee, Warren Consolidated Schools, 2010, 2011; Macomb County- 1995 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Program, March, 1996; Michigan Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees); Five Outstanding Young Michiganders (FYOM), Feb., 1996 and Certificate of Commendation from Governor John Engler; International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, 2000-01; Warren Historical & Genealogical Society Government Service Award-Member of the City of Warren MI Hall of Fame, 2008; Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in the Midwest, Who's Who Among America's Teachers, Who's Who in the 21st Century, Biltmore's Who's Who-Life Member, (all multiple years)
AffiliationsMichigan School Band and Orchestra Association; American School Band Directors Association (Past National President); ASBDA-MI Chapter (Chair/Treasurer); ASBDA Education Foundation, Inc. (Treasurer); National Band Association; World Association for Symphonic Bands & Ensembles; Southeast Michigan Arts Forum; City of Warren Cultural Commission (Chair); City of Warren Council of Commissions (Chair); Warren Concert Band, Inc. (President); Warren Symphony Society, Inc. (Treasurer/Past President)
Hobbies & SportsVolunteering with local cultural organizations
Work HistoryMichigan Ave. School, 1978; L'Anse Creuse High School-North, 1978-79; St. Clare deMontefalco School, 1979-81; Warren Consolidated Schools, 1980+ (Thorpe, Holden, Jefferson Elementary Schools, 1980-81; Warren High School, 1981-92; John C. Fuhrmann Middle School, 1986-2000; Frost Curriculum Center, 2000-06; Paul K. Cousino High School, 2006+)
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