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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Infrastructure: J.E. Dennis Daoust

J.E. Dennis Daoust PhotoJ.E. Dennis Daoust
ExpertiseCommercial Leasing; Construction Law; Rooftop Solar Energy Projects; Building Telecommunications Facilities Licenses
Current OrganizationDaoust Vukovich LLP
Type of OrganizationLaw firm
Major ProductLegal services
Area of DistributionNational
University/DegreeLL.B., Osgoode Hall Law School
Born1947, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Honors & AwardsSelected by peers as one of the Best Lawyers in Canada each year since rating service was established; Ranked in "Most Frequently Recommended" category Lexpert Directory each year that directory has been published; Listed in Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada each year that directory has been published
Published WorksSpecial Demands for Special Use Land Rental Income Commercial Properties, Ontario Bar Association, Mar. 2005; Defining the True Value of Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Financing Summit, Federated Press, June 2005; Owner's Responsibilities for Dangerous Building Conditions, Ontario Bar Association, Feb. 2007; Technology and Telecommunications Concerns, Shopping Center Leases, Second Edition, Canada Law Book, 2008; The Construction, Repair, Insurance and Risk Management System-Basic Commercial Leases in Ontario, Lorman Education Services, May 2008; Green Commercial Real Estate: Staying on Top of the Latest Trends and Requirements, The Canadian Institute, Jan. 2010; Gold in the Sunshine on Your Roof-Solar Facility Rooftop Leases, The Abstract Page, Ontario Bar Association, Feb. 2010
Career AccomplishmentsCo-Founder of Daoust Vukovich LLP, Canada's only Commercial Leasing Law Boutique; Qualified as a court-approved expert in commercial leasing; Instructor at Osgoode Hall Law School, Leasehold Estate component, Master's degree program in Real Estate
Work History1974-78, Law Associate, Blackwell Law Treadgold and Armstrong; 1978-86, In house Legal Counsel, The Cadillac Fairview Corp. Ltd.-Shopping Centers Division, Appointed General Counsel in 1980, promoted to Vice President in 1982; 1986-88, Vice President & General Counsel, Cadillac Fairview Shopping Center USA; 1988-95, Member, Goodman & Carr LLP, became Partner in 1990; 1995-present, Partner, Daoust Vukovich LLP
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