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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Psychodynamic Therapy: Jane Shelgren Diamond, MSW, LICSW, BCD, QCSW, IABMCP

Jane Shelgren Diamond, MSW, LICSW, BCD, QCSW, IABMCP PhotoJane Shelgren Diamond, MSW, LICSW, BCD, QCSW, IABMCP
IndustryMental health
TitleClinical Social Worker/Therapist
ExpertiseExtensive experience and training in psychodynamic therapy; eclectic approach utilized; experience and training also includes modalities of marital, group as well as individual psychotherapy for all age groups; has had own personal psychoanalysis; is in seminal stages of developing writings on effects of trauma on early development of childhood
Current OrganizationWalk-in Counseling Center
Type of OrganizationNonprofit counseling center
Major ProductMental healthcare provider
Area of DistributionRoseville, Minnesota
University/DegreeM.S.W., Washington University, 1964
BornJune 3, 1939, Iowa
AffiliationsInternational Academy of Behavioral Medicine; Counseling and Psychotherapy Inc.; Registry listing of Diplomate Status for Professional Psychotherapy and Clinical Dependency Counseling; American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work; Registry listing of Diplomate Status in Clinical Social Work; National Association of Social Workers; Diplomate in Clinical Social Work Registry listing; State of Minnesota, Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
Hobbies & SportsBaroque & classical music-St. Paul Chamber Orch., other small music groups; theatre/plays-Guthrie Theater, Jeune Lune Theater, other theater groups; Minnesota Opera; art-Minneap. Inst. of Art; cooking ethnic foods, gardening, bird watching
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