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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Nuclei Science: J. Alden Erikson, Ph.D.

J. Alden Erikson, Ph.D. PhotoJ. Alden Erikson, Ph.D.
IndustryWriting/nuclear science
ExpertiseTheoretical nuclear science
Current OrganizationAuthor House
Type of OrganizationWriting, publishing
Major Product"Model of Reality" for Static, Nuclei and Atoms
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.S., Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1950; Ph.D., Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1953
BornMarch 3, 1926, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Honors & AwardsPresented first paper on static nuclear models at the Chicago American Chemical Society Meeting, 1967; Man of the Year, American Biographical Institute, 2007; Outstanding Professional of the Year, International Biographical Center, England, 2007
Published WorksBook, "Models of Reality" for Static, Nuclei and Atoms; Erikson believes the foundation has been made for models of reality for some key element-isotopes in the periodic table beginning with carbon made from two hydrogen-3 atoms and two helium-3 atoms forming an icosahedron with four electrons outside the nucleus and two inside to neutralize two helium protons giving the valence of 4. In a giant step, 4 beryllium-9 partial-icosahedrons were added to tetrahedrally-directed faces of carbon to form titanium-48, the most abundant of 5 stable isotopes from -46 to -50. The outermost faces of titanium are like carbon and point toward the corners of tetrahedron to provide the most common valence of four. Two of the new icosahedrons fused to carbon are carbon-types and could provide six valence faces while the other two boron-12-type icosahedrons might provide two valence faces to give titanium a valence of 8 as has been observed. It appears that the chemistry and physics of elements is determined by the structure of nuclei and atoms as seen in the new models of reality
AffiliationsAmerican Chemical Society; U.S. Army, 1944-46; PPG Industries (Retired after 35 year career of making resins, coatings vehicles and 30 U.S. patents)
Hobbies & SportsGardening, home and yard maintenance, pets
Work HistoryPittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Milwaukee WI, 1953-59; PPG Industries, Inc., Springdale PA, 1960-88
ChildrenKristine, Mark, Nancy
SpouseRuth L. Flory
MarriedJune 17, 1955
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