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Professional of the Year for 2012 in Spiritual Insight and Holistic Healing: Gloria Bieber

Gloria Bieber PhotoGloria Bieber
IndustryHolistic New Age
ExpertiseSpiritual Studies & Holistic Healing Specialist; Aura imaging; 30 years experience in Human Resource Management, Training and Development, Recruitment and Orientation, Occupation Health and Safety, Compensation, Payroll Management and Intuitive Counseling
Current OrganizationLife Portraits
Type of OrganizationSpiritual insight and holistic healing Workshop Facilitator Speaker
Major ProductAura Imaging; Transcendental Meditation; Mediumship; Mind/ Spirit/ Body Metaphysical Training and Studies; Philosophy studies; Tai Chi, Qui Gong, Reiki, Energy Balancing, Clairvoyance & other Psychic Skills; Tea Reading; Dream Interpretation; Retreat facilitator and keynote speaker
Area of DistributionCanada, U.S., Europe
University/DegreeHR Management Certificate, 2003; Supervisory Practice Program, 1991; Personnel Administration, 1989; Management Development Program, 1986
BornCalgary, Alberta, Canada
Honors & AwardsAcknowledged for her contributions to the book "Your Invisible Bodies" by Sharon Montgomery, 2009; Emmy Celebrity Gifting Suite, 20014; Oscars Celebrity Gifting Suite, 2015; Spiritual and Holistic Wellness, 2013; Spiritual Wellness Award, 2014; Women of Distinction Award, 2015
Published WorksArticles in Rising Women Magazine; Interviewed by News Media (Global, Shaw) and Radio (Calgary, Regina Saskatoon) for Body Soul Spirit Expo Venues, Short Movie on Aura Imaging "How it Works", Acknowledgements written in Gosh TV, LA Elements Reviews pertaining to Oscarrs 2015, Shaw TV Interview by Jeni Cousins-Soul Works
Hobbies & SportsOutdoor activities, baseball, hockey, soccer
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