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Professional of the Year for 2010 in International Negotiations: Gary M. Jackson

Gary M. Jackson PhotoGary M. Jackson
IndustryInformation Technology
TitleDirector & Senior Negotiation Specialist
ExpertiseResponsible for determining strategy parameters and achieving sustainable business growth throughout a large complex organization; Leading specialist and subject matter expert in the field of Negotiation consultancy and training
Current OrganizationNegotiate Limited/itExecServices Limited
Type of OrganizationNegotiations Training and Consultancy/Interim Management
Major ProductNegotiation training solutions and consultancy/Providing interim senior management services for companies requiring short-term cover for their senior executives
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeBSc (Hons) Mathematics & Physics
AffiliationsAccreditations with the I.M.A. for Business Transformational Change; Cornell University for Executive Leadership, Strategy & Management; Linkage Inc. for Executive Finance
Hobbies & SportsGolf, classic cars, classical guitar
Career AccomplishmentsHas taken a personal interest in the development of members of senior management team as well as other CSC personnel worldwide; Devised and led training programs on Strategy Development, Executive Leadership, Decision Making, Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Skills; Established a High Performance Unit for an international bank and its customers in North America and EMEA, leading the program to establish facility, managed the recruitment of 1200 staff and put in place all necessary infrastructure; Assumed responsibility for a "distressed" project for a major client in the retail sector
Work HistoryChief Operating Officer, EMEA South Region-Italy, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, 2003-06; Global Chief Operating Officer, BAE Systems Account, 2006-07; Senior Vice President/Head of Operational & Business Assurance for UK, Netherlands & Nordic, 2007-2009; Prior to CSC, worked for another large corporation as Head of Projects for EMEA
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