Strathmore's Who's Who Business Networking

Professional of the Year for 2010 in Career and Education Services: Ellen H. Katz, Ph.D.

Ellen H. Katz, Ph.D. PhotoEllen H. Katz, Ph.D.
ExpertiseCareer management and peer review, career mentoring and networking (especially young women), career counseling, career placement, resume preparation, design and implementation of business/education internship programs
Current OrganizationMentor Talk, Inc.
Type of OrganizationEducational services/career services
Major ProductCareer services (career networking, career placement, resume preparation) and educational services (workshops/seminars/classes/research) in career management, career mentoring, career counseling and advice
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.S., Home Economics Education, Brooklyn College, City Univ. of New York, 1956; M.S., Secondary Education, Hofstra Univ., 1962; Ph.D., Home Economics in Higher Education, New York Univ., 1992
BornJanuary 7, 1935, Long Beach, New York
Honors & AwardsAssoc. of Home Appliance Manufacturers ALMA Award, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978; Certification of Appreciation, Field Study Program, College of Human Ecology, Cornell Univ., 1979; Education Scholastic Research Award, New York Univ., 1988; Certificate of Merit Award, Bureau of Human Services, N.Y. City Public Schools, 1988; Who's Who Among Student in American Universities and Colleges, 1990; Certificate of Appreciation for Sensitivity and Assistance to Older New Yorkers, N.Y. State Dept. for the Aging, 1990; Honorary Member, Women's Int'l Network of Utility Professional,, 1997; Challenge '96 Team Award Winner, Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., 1997
Published WorksRowley, M. & Katz., E. (1992), "An Evaluation of Changing Expectations and Perceptions of Professional Organizations," Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters; Katz, E., Dalton, S., Giacquinta, J. (1994), "Status Risk Taking and Receptivity of Home Economics Teachers to a Statewide Curriculum Innovation" (based on doctoral thesis), Home Economics Research Journal; Katz, E., Rowley, M. Eggert, D., Williams, J.D. (pending), "A Model Supporting the Need for Accountability of Professional Organizations in Meeting Different Member Expectations of Benefits," ERIC ED; 31 collective works, articles, journals, papers
AffiliationsNat'l Assoc. of Women Business Owners; Nat'l Assoc. of Female Executives; Women's Int'l Network of Utility Professionals; Amer. Assoc. of Family and Consumer Services; Amer. Educ't'l Research Assoc.; Advisory Committee, Eleanor and Lou Gehrig MDA/ALS Center, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NYC; Student/Alumni Networking Events, New York Univ.; The Woodhull Institute of Ethical Leadership
Hobbies & SportsSwimming, reading
Career AccomplishmentsNumerous awards and listings from professional organizations and universities
Work HistoryBusiness experience: Scholastic Magazines, New York, NY, Curriculum Designer, 1973; Coats & Clarke Inc., New York, NY, Hotline Supervisor, 1973-74; Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Coordinator of Program Dev. & Training, Consumer Affairs, 1975-80; Senior Specialist, Energy Services, 1980-97; Mentor Talk, Inc., New York, NY, President/Partner, 2003-present; Teaching experience: since 1956; most recent, Queens College, City Univ. of New York, Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2003; Brigham Young Univ., Visiting Professor, 20001-01
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