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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Nuclear Power: Eldon J. Brunner

Eldon J. Brunner PhotoEldon J. Brunner
TitleBranch Chief, U.S. Federal Government
ExpertiseNuclear power
Type of OrganizationGovernment
Major ProductNuclear regulatory
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeM.S., University of Illinois; Graduate courses, Southern Methodist University; Reactor Technology, SMWD, 1970
BornMarch 31, 1923, Reddick, Illinois
Published WorksAuthor for Manual Chapter for Reactor Inspectors for NRC, Power Reactor Startup Procedures
AffiliationsAmerican Nuclear Society
Work HistoryFlight Instructor, Charter Pilot, Univ Of Illinois, 1950 - 1953; Research Asst, under US Army Contract to develop flight training methods for reducing airplane and Helicopter pilot training time,1953; Aircraft Engineer, Convair FT Worth, Texas Author of B-58 flight training Flight Simulator and B-58 Navigator training Simulator 1954-1955; Nuclear Reactor Operator/Engineer for Convair, FT Worth TX, promoted to Supervisor/Manager of the Aircraft Nuclear Power facility 1956 - 1964; Operations Supervisor of Experimental Beryllium Reactor, General Atomics, Calif 1964 - 1967; Reactor Project Engineer for Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), HQ Idaho Falls, Idaho 1967 - 1968; Power Reactor Inspector AEC Region 3 1968 - 1972; Branch Chief, AEC (later became Nuclear Regulatory Commission), initially in charge of utility inspections of the testing of 1000 MW Power reactors, later in charge as the Project Branch Chief of all Power Reactors in Region I 1972 - 1983
ChildrenRoger Lee Brunner, Betty Jane Rosa
SpouseGladys E. Dassow
MarriedJuly 9, 1945
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