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Professional of the Year for 2011 in Patent and Trademark Law: Edward J. DaRin, Esquire

Edward J. DaRin, Esquire PhotoEdward J. DaRin, Esquire
ExpertiseElectrical, electronic, computer, mechanical devices and trademarks - US and foreign patent offices
Current OrganizationEdward J. DaRin, Inc.
Type of OrganizationLaw firm-Intellectual Property
Major ProductLegal services in the field of patents and trademarks
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeB.S.E.E. with Honors, Case Western Reserve University, 1949; J.D., Temple University Law School, 1955
BornJanuary 3, 1925, Niagara Falls, New York
Honors & AwardsU.S. Navy, 1943-1946
AffiliationsAmerican Bar Association, Intellectual Property Section; American Intellectual Property Law Association; State Bar of California; Admitted to practice U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. Supreme Court, Federal Districts and Appellate Courts inc. Federal Circuit Appellate Court
Hobbies & SportsFootball, basketball (Lakers fan), baseball, tennis, ocean beach
Work HistoryCorporate Patent Dept. at RCA; Burroughs, Hughes Aircraft Co.
Area of PracticeMechanical, electrical and electronics patents and trademarks; U.S. and Foreign Patent and Trademark Law; U.S. & foreign representative at patent and trademark offices
ChildrenLinda Anne, David E., Tom E.
SpouseRose M. Gelleny
MarriedAugust 14, 1948
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