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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Elementary Education: Dorothy N. Matsui

Member PhotoDorothy N. Matsui
Current OrganizationAnchorage School District
Type of OrganizationElementary school
Major ProductEducation
Area of DistributionAnchorage, Alaska
University/DegreeB.A., Education, 1979; M.A., Education, 1986, University of Alaska
BornJanuary 9, 1954, Honolulu, Hawaii
Honors & AwardsWho's Who of American Women; Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America; Who's Who in American Education; The World's Who's Who of Women; Who's Who Among America's Teachers; Five Thousand Personalities of the World; International Leaders in Achievement; Personalities of America; International Directory of Distinguished Leadership; Grand Ambassador of Achievement International
AffiliationsNational Education Association; Alaska Education Association; Alpha Delta Kappa; Smithsonian National Association Program; Smithsonian Air and Space Association; International Platform Association; National Audubon Society; Cousteau Society; Alaska Council for the Social Studies; Alaskan Council for Teachers of Mathematics; United States Olympic Society; University of Alaska Anchorage Alumni Association; National Council for Teachers of Mathematics; Mathematical Association of America; Museum of Flight Foundation; Anchorage Museum of History and Art; Japanese-American National Museum; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development; Women's Inner Circle Achievement
Hobbies & SportsReading
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