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Professional of the Year for 2012 in Industrial Engineering Consulting: David Wilson

David Wilson PhotoDavid Wilson
IndustryManagement Consulting
ExpertiseIndustrial Engineering
Current OrganizationAdvantage Consulting Group
Type of OrganizationConsulting firm
Major ProductConsulting manufacturing and warehousing, productivity improvement
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.S., Purdue University; M.B.A., Loyola University
BornOak Park, Illinois
Honors & AwardsWho's Who Registry Global Business Leaders, 1993-94
Published WorksAuthor, "How to Implement an Engineered Performance Program in a Warehouse", "How to Implement a Supervisor Incentive Program", Warehouse Standards/Reporting Software programs
Hobbies & SportsGolf, travel
Career AccomplishmentsImplemented productivity programs in 200+ warehouses worldwide, reducing labor costs by over 20% and saving millions of dollars; Developed incentive programs for workers and supervisors that increased productivity and reduced overhead for clients; Provided management tools to property schedule manufacturing processes to use the least number of employees and achieve the maximum output; Used Industrial Engineering techniques to take the bottlenecks out of production processes to increase output; Used financial analysis to identify labor cost reduction opportunities in organizations
Work HistoryU.S. Navy Officer; Supervisor, Ryerson Steel; Manager, Industrial Engineering, Johnson & Johnson; Industrial Engineering Manager Quaker Oats; Food Service Equipment, Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Groen Manufacturing; Senior Vice President, Eric C. Baum & Associates
ChildrenPaul A. Wilson, Jeffery D. Wilson
SpouseRoberta M. Milo
MarriedMarch 17, 2010
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