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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Pediatrics: David A. Jones, M.D.

David A. Jones, M.D. PhotoDavid A. Jones, M.D.
Current OrganizationCapital Health Plan
Type of OrganizationStaff model HMO
Major ProductPatient care
Area of DistributionTallahassee, Florida
University/DegreeM.D., Ohio State College of Medicine, 1980
BornDecember 21, 1954, Dayton, Ohio
Published WorksSpencer TL, Langham MR, Moyer MH, Jones DA, et al, Resolution of hypoxia in a liver transplant recipient after ligation of a portosystemic shunt, J Peds 2000 137: 575-7
AffiliationsFlorida Pediatric Society; Capital Medical Association; American Pediatric Association; Florida Medical Association; American Academy of Pediatrics
Hobbies & SportsSports, playing tuba
Work HistoryCapital Health Plan, 1984-present; Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics, Florida State University, 2002-present
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