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Professional of the Year for 2010 in Nonprofit Organizations: Daniel J. Reidenberg

Daniel J. Reidenberg PhotoDaniel J. Reidenberg
TitleExecutive Director
ExpertiseSuicide and suicide prevention, assessment and treatment of serious and persistent mental illnesses and chemical dependency, child maltreatment, forensics, relationships, crisis response and management, public awareness and entertainment industry
Current OrganizationSAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)
Type of OrganizationNational nonprofit, social service agency
Major ProductPsychotherapy, consultation, education, training, expert technical assistance, best-practices program development
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeB.A., Psychology/Child Psychology, University of Minnesota, 1989; Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, Minnesota School of Professional Psychology, 1994; Mini-MBA, St. Thomas University, 2003
Honors & AwardsTen Outstanding Young Minnesotan's Award, Minnesota Jaycees; B. Warren Hart Humanitarian Award, St. Paul Jaycees; Certified Relations Specialist, Master Therapist, Board Certified Professional Counselor, APA; APA Distinguished Service Award; APA Outstanding Leadership Award (2x); Certified Aviation Disaster Responder, Critical Incident Debriefer, FEI Behavioral Health; Who's Who Among Prevention Leaders, Florida Governor's Office; KDWB Radio-Dedicated Service Award; Certificates of Commendation from the Governor of Minnesota for the Radiothons to End Child Abuse, 1993 and 1995; Outstanding Achievement Awards, Minnesota Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse, 1989 through 1996
Published WorksNumerous published works including-Preventing Suicide: Physicians are the front line in saving lives, Minnesota Physician, Vol. XXIV, No. 5, p. 18-21; Brashler P., Reidenberg D., Blume N., August, 2010Preventing Youth Suicide: Strategies for Pediatricians, Minnesota Pediatrician, Summer/Fall, 2010, p. 8-10; Numerous media interviews; Lectured to 350,000+ people nationally/internationally
AffiliationsManaging Director, National Council for Suicide Prevention; US Representative to the International Association for Suicide Prevention; Fellow, Diplomat, Chair of Advisory Board, American Psychotherapy Association; American College of Forensic Examiners Board; Suicide Prevention Resource Center Steering Committee; National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Steering Committee; Advisory Board; Entertainment Resources Professional Association; Esperanza Magazine Editorial Advisory Board
Work HistoryMental Health Worker, Bill Kelly House, 1988-94; Administrator, Reidenberg & Associates Law Offices, 1988-94; Therapist, Consultant, Educator, Private Practice, 1994-99; Consultant to Courts and Hospitals, Midwest Guardians & Conservators, Inc., 1995-present; Therapist, Speaker, Training and Consulting, St. Joseph's Hospital, 1995-99; Director, Lake St. and Downtown Branches, Family & Children's Service, 1999-2004; Grant Manager, Noven Therapeutics, 2006-09; Managing Director, National Council for Suicide Prevention, 2006-present; Executive Director, SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education), 2004-present
Public SpeakingLectured to over 3,500 individuals on child abuse, parenting, mental illnesses, self-esteem, stress management, and various other topics
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