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Professional of the Year for 2009 in Hydraulics Engineering: Clifford L. Lightfoot Jr.

Clifford L. Lightfoot Jr. PhotoClifford L. Lightfoot Jr.
TitleMMCMSS E-9 Master Chief Machinist (Retired)
ExpertiseSubmarines, Shipbuilding and Training
Current OrganizationU.S. Navy
Type of OrganizationMilitary
Major ProductNational defense
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeA.S., City University, 1991; Certificate, Hydraulics, HVAC, Engineering, Business
BornMarch 3, 1954, Dayton, Kentucky
Honors & Awards22 years active in the U.S. Navy- 2 Vietnam Service Medals, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Safety Awards, Submarine Dolphins (Warfare Pin), Submarine Patrol Pin with Stars, Command Master Chief Pin, 2 National Defense Medal, 5 Good Conduct Medals, 2 Navy Achievement Medals, Navy Commendation Medal, Meritorious Achievement Medal, Cold War Veteran; Letters of Achievement and Letters of Commendation from the President of the US, Secretary of Defense, Admirals and Captains; 6 years Civil Service for the US Navy- Letter of recognition and appreciation from various Captains and Supervisors, Promotions, Safety Award Pins; Postal Service Awards include Safety and Hazardous Waste Management Awards
AffiliationsIFPTE; NARFE; DAV; VFW; American Legion; USSVI
Hobbies & SportsReading, family activities, weaponry
Work HistoryPLEASE ADD
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