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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Electrical Engineering: Christopher P. Silva

Christopher P. Silva PhotoChristopher P. Silva
TitleSenior Engineering Specialist
ExpertiseElectrical engineering, specializing in nonlinear techniques for communications circuits and systems
Current OrganizationThe Aerospace Corp.
Type of OrganizationFederally funded research and development center
Major ProductSpace system architects
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeA.A., Engineering Preparation, 1980, College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA; B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1982; M.S., Electrical Engineering, 1985; Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 1993, University of California, Berkeley
BornMarch 17, 1960, Fortuna, California
Honors & Awards1979-Amer. Assoc. of Physics Teachers Outstanding Physics Student of the Year; 1982-B.S.E.E. with highest honors distinction, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, Univ. of California Alumni Scholar; 1983-86-Nat'l Science Foundation Fellowship; 1997-Nat'l Acad. of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium participant selection; 1999-Aerospace President's Award, Life Fellow of Amer. Biog. Inst., Fellow of Int'l Biog. Centre; 2001-Outstanding Alumni/Hall of Fame Induction for Rio Dell Elementary School District, Amer. Biog. Inst. Amer. Medal of Honor, Int'l Biog. Centre Scientific Faculty Founder Member; Amer. Biog. Inst. Hall of Fame; 2002-Elected Associate Editor for Inst. of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Transactions on Circuits and Systems; 2003-Aerospace Individual Achievement Award
Published WorksNumerous journal articles, conference papers, presentations, talks, chapter contributions, many of which were invited; examples: "Nonlinear Dynamics and Bifurcation: Concepts and Engineering Applications", IEEE International Microwave Symposium Workshop, June 2003; "Time-Domain Measurement and Modeling Techniques for Wideband Communication Components and Systems", Int'l. J. of RF and Microwave CAE, Special Issue on Measurement Technology for Effective Computer-Aided Design, Jan. 2003; "The Double-Hook Attractor in Chua's Circuit: Some Analytical Results", chapter in Chua's Circuit: A Paradigm for Chaos, World Scientific, Inc., 1993
Affiliations1980-Inst. of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Fellow grade in 1999; 1991-Amer. Mathematical Society; 1992-Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics; 1998-Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science; 1998-Amer. Inst. of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Senior grade in 1999
Hobbies & SportsTravel, reading, home improvement, desktop publishing
Career AccomplishmentsPrincipal and Co-Investigator on several technical IRCD efforts, including computer-aided microwave engineering numerical algorithms (inventing new polyalgorithms exhibiting superior convergence range/rate), chaos-based communications for unique performance capabilities (analog encryption, multi-user, location security), chaos-based radar for high-resolution and stealth applications, and nonlinear communication component and system modeling, measurement and distortion compensation (leading to numerous original technique inventions such as the polyspectral method, powerful for both modeling and compensation analysis/design purposes); these and other investigations (wavelength modulation, multi-carrier analysis, hardware specification methodology development) have led to numerous publications/presentations (many invited) and corporate awards/recognitions and an international presence/reputation in the nonlinear dynamics technical communities
Work HistoryResearch Assistant, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Electronic Research Laboratory, 1987; Assistant Specialist, Level III, UCB ERL, 1988; Member of Technical Staff (MTS), The Aerospace Corporation (TAC), 1989-95; Senior MTS, TAC, 1995-1999; Engineering Specialist, TAC, 1999-2003; Senior Engineering Specialist, TAC, 2003-present
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