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Professional of the Year for 2013 in Building and Construction: Carolyn A. Cohee

Carolyn A. Cohee PhotoCarolyn A. Cohee
TitleMaintenance and Operations Central District Design Support Administrator and Estimator
ExpertiseMajor construction projects; Sole Proprietor of Cohee Quality Consulting for improving construction and business quality of management, projects and/or design
Current OrganizationDelaware Department of Transportation
Type of OrganizationGovernment
Major ProductBuilding and construction
Area of DistributionDelaware
University/DegreeA.A.S., Architectural Design Technology; A.A.S., Construction Management Technology, Delaware Technical & Community College; B.S., M.S.M., Organization Leadership Program, Ed.D., Innovation and Organizational Leadership, Wilmington University
BornJune 15, 1968, Delaware
Honors & AwardsAcademic Achievements- Graduate Ed.D. with 386 GPA; Graduated MSM with 4.0 GPA; Graduated BS with 3.86 GPA; Graduated Phi Theta Kappa, both A.A.S. degrees; Outstanding Construction Management Student, 2003; Dean's List, Summer-Fall, 2006; MSM & Academic Excellence Award & Sigma Beta Delta and Delta Alpha Pi
AffiliationsNational Association of Women in Construction; National Association of Professional Women
Work HistoryElectrical Designer & Network Administrator, Becker Morgan Group, Odessa DE, 1998-2001; Environmental Project Specialist, Nanticoke Health Services, Seaford DE, 2001-7; Quality Control Manager, Pride Enterprises, Norristown PA, 2007-09; Delaware Dept. of Transportation, Maintenance and Operations, Central District, Dover DE, 2009-present; Volunteer Construction Consultant, Milford School District, DE, 2007-2013; Owner, Cohee Quality Consulting, 2013-present
SpouseH. Roland
MarriedApril 23, 1988
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