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Professional of the Year for 2009 in District Labour Council Administration: Bruce R. Allen

Bruce R. Allen PhotoBruce R. Allen
ExpertiseWorkers' compensation, history of work reorganization in the auto industry
Current OrganizationSt. Catharines & District Labour Council
Type of OrganizationLabour council
Major ProductOrganize and advocate on issues that are vital to working people throughout the region, and to carry out local campaigns for the Canadian Labour Congress
Area of DistributionCanada
University/DegreeM.A., Political Science, Brock University
BornJuly 11, 1954, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Published WorksAuthor, "Germany East: Dissent and Opposition", Black Rose Books
AffiliationsCanadian Autoworkers; Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups; Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras
Hobbies & SportsPhysical fitness, football, baseball
Career AccomplishmentsAuthor of "Germany East" Dissent and Opposition", published by Black Rose Books which is the first ever English language history of dissent in the former East Germany from the time of its foundation until its collapse in 1990, published in two editions of which preceded the events in the Soviet-East Europe in autumn, 1989
Work HistoryGeneral Motors, 1977-present; Member of the leadership of CAW Local 199, 1987-present; Member, St. Catharine's & District Labour Council, 1988-present
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