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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine: Arthur C. Theodore, M.D.

Arthur C. Theodore, M.D. PhotoArthur C. Theodore, M.D.
TitleAssociate Professor of Medicine
ExpertisePulmonary and Critical Care Medicine; Scleroderma Interstitial Lung Disease
Current OrganizationBoston University School of Medicine, Pulmonary Center
Type of OrganizationUniversity medical school/hospital
Major ProductMedical education, patient care
Area of DistributionInternational
University/DegreeB.S., Beloit College, Beloit, WI, 1975; M.D., Boston University, Boston, MA, 1979
BornNovember 3, 1953, Peabody, Massachusetts
Honors & AwardsBest Doctors, Boston Magazine Web Site, 2006, 2007; Boston University Dept. of Medicine House Staff Excellence in Teaching Award, (full-time faculty), 2007; Crystal APPLE Award, American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 2008; Numerous listings in "Best Doctors in America" and The Consumer Research Council of America "Guide to America's Best Physicians"
Published WorksIncludes Wilson KC, Reardon C, Theodore AC, Farber HW-Propylene glycol toxicity: A potentially life-threatening iatrogenic illness and a common cause of metabolic abnormality in MICU patients receiving intravenous benzodiazepines, Chest 2005;128:1674-1681; Marshall J, Finn CA, Theodore AC-Impact of a clinical pharmacist enforced ICU sedation protocol on duration of mechanical ventilation and hospital stay, Critical Care Medicine, 36(2):427-33, 2008; Numerous other published works on such topics as Systemic Sclerosis, Lung Cancer, Interleukin-16, Pharmacotherapy, CD4 lymphocyte activation, lymphocyte migration and arterial blood gas physiology; Appearances on radio, television and the internet on topics such as Systemic Sclerosis, Pulmonary Thromboembolism and Influenza
AffiliationsAmerican Thoracic Society; American Association for the Advancement of Science
Hobbies & SportsGolf, hiking, gardening
Career AccomplishmentsEarly work concerned investigations with Interleukin-16 and culminated in the discovery of this cytokine as an immunosuppressive regulatory molecule important in asthma and other inflammatory conditions mediated by CD4 T-lymphocytes; Involved in the treatment of patients with Scleroderma-associated interstitial lung disease (ILD) in which immune system has a central role which had no treatment but the collaboration of several medical centers, including Boston University where Dr. Theodore was the Principal Investigator in the Scleroderma Lung Study 1 (SLS-1) demonstrated a positive treatment effect with cyclophosphamide (CYC), subsequently will now embark on a SLS-2 comparing CYC to another agent that affects T-lymphocytes, Mycophenolate; These academic endeavors and in conjunction with his position as Director of Medical Intensive Care Unit, has established learning opportunities for medical students and post-doctoral residents in Critical Care and Interventional Procedures and contributed or created numerous hospital policies in Ethics, Critical Care pathways and ICU administration
Work HistoryResidency, Internal Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN; Fellowship, Pulmonary and Critical Care, Boston University; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine; Established a lab at the Bedford VA Medicine Center, dividing time between Bedford and Boston University then returning full-time to Boston University in 1991; Appointed Head of the Pulmonary Function Lab, Medical Director of Respiratory Therapy, Director of the Medicine Intensive Care Unit, Boston University Medical Center Hospital; Promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine and assumed same Director positions at the Boston Medical Center after the merger of the Boston University affiliated hospitals; Held staff positions in the Emergency Depts. of Union Hospital, Metrowest Medical Center & Winchester Hospital
ChildrenAlyssa, Ashley
SpouseDawn Scales
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