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Professional of the Year for 2011 in Defense: Albert Bottoms

Albert Bottoms PhotoAlbert Bottoms
TitleProfessor Emeritus
ExpertiseLand and naval mines and Undersea Warfare
Current OrganizationSociety for Counter-Ordnance Technology
Type of OrganizationDefense Technology, Nonprofit
Major ProductMines
Area of DistributionNational/International
University/DegreeUS Military Academy, West Point NY, 1943; BSChE, Univ. of Penn., 1949; M.S., Physical Chemistry, Iowa State Univ., 1951; SM Physical Oceanography, MIT, 1962; Senior Officer's course, US Army Special Warfare School, 1962
BornSeptember 2, 1925, Montclair, New Jersey
Honors & AwardsBronze Beaver Service Award, MIT, 1997; Lobdell Award, MIT Alumni Association, 1991; Dept. of the Navy Meritorious Public Service Citation, 1998; U.S.A., Senior Executive Service, 1979; USA, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Defense Executive Reserve 1985-95; Naval War College Distinguished Service Award, 1985; Dept. of the Army Commander's Award for Civilian Service, 1988
Published WorksAllocation of Resources in the Chicago Police Dept. 1970; Applications of Technology to Demining, 4 vols, 2005, Bottoms and Scandrett, US Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA
AffiliationsNaval Institute; ARRL; AICE
Hobbies & SportsAlumni affairs, MIT
Work HistoryMIT/Operations Evaluation Group (Navy), 1952-58; Institute for Defense Analyses/Weapons Systems Evaluation Group (DoD), 1958-63, 1965-66; Research Analysis Corp. (Army), 1963-64; Systems Analysis Division Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Op 962), 1965-67 GS16 Chicago Police Dept., Law Enforcement Systems Analysis, 1968-70, MIT-Harvard Joint Center for Urban Studies, Law Enforcement-Juvenile Justice, 1967-73; Naval Underwater Systems Center (Navy-Undersea Warfare), 1972-1980 GS16 then Senior Executive Service (SES 4); Significant assignments- NUSC Rep Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Force Pacific 1971, Seconded to British Navy 1973; Science Advisor, Commander U.S. 7th Fleet, 1975-76; Special Assistant Director of Naval Technology, Naval Material Command, 1977l Dev. Asst. Office of the Director Exploratory Technology, Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Advanced Technology, 1978-80; Naval Air Systems Command, Office of the Deputy Commander for Research and Advanced Technology, 1980-86, Seconded to Naval War College, Global War Game (Mobilization and Reconstitution of the Force); Navy Chair, Defense Systems Management School, 1986-88; Retired 1988; Consultant, Institute for Defense Analyses, National Academy of Sciences Naval Studies Board, 1991-92, Chair of Mine Warfare, Naval Postgraduate School, 1994-97; Consultant, NPS, 1997-2005; Founder, Mine Warfare Association, 1994; Founder, Society for Counter Ordnance Technology, 2000; Continues to be active in Mine Warfare Technology, 2008-present
ChildrenKaren Austin, Linda Wright, Joseph Zamudio, Maitland Bottoms
SpouseMarjorie Spangenberg
MarriedMarch 1957
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