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Professional of the Year for 2008 in Social Services: Addie Ruth Marslender

Addie Ruth Marslender PhotoAddie Ruth Marslender
IndustrySocial Services
Current OrganizationState of Alabama
Type of OrganizationGovernment/Social Services
Major ProductServices to veterans (employment placing/counseling)
Area of DistributionAlabama and Washington, D.C.
University/DegreeB.S., Special Honors in Sociology and Law Enforcement; M.S., Personnel Counseling, Jackson State University, Alabama
BornSeptember 16, 1936, Bangor, Alabama
Affiliations(Past or Present), Tri-Hi-Y, Bel Canto, Future Business Leaders of America, Alpha Sigma Omega (Criminal Justice Fraternity); Board of Directors, Alpine Bay Resort, East Pines Association; Board of Director, Board of Ministries and Director, Children Services, Cathedral of Praise Church of God; President, Youth Services, Church of God, Alabama City, AL; Church of God and Hopewell, Virginia Church of God, Asst. President of Ladies Ministries, Plymouth, North Carolina
Hobbies & SportsVolunteering
Work HistoryLocal Veterans Employment Representative/Employment Counselor, Dept. of Industrial Relations, Employment Service; Social Worker, State of Alabama, Dept. of Human Resources, Director of Adult Day Care Center; Reported, Gadsden News; Bookkeeper, Laverity Piano Co.; Salesperson, Mid South Life Insurance Co.; Clerk Typist, Dept. of Navy, Washington
ChildrenRandell Jay, Michael Dale
SpouseDalton Ray Marslender
MarriedNovember 6, 1956
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